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中央研究院 院士



LEE Fong-mao is an Honorary Chair Professor at National Chengchi University, a Research Fellow at the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, and an Academician at Academia Sinica. His academic expertise lies in Taoist literature, Taoist culture, and Chinese religions. He has published over 200 research papers and authored more than ten monographs and over ten different types of research reports. LEE’s early research focused on “Taoist literature” and expanded to include the study of Taoist classics in the Daozang (Taoist Canon) and the relationship between Taoist culture and Han Chinese society. His research methods integrate classical texts, historical documents, fieldwork, and practical experience. Based on the concept of yin-yang complementarity in Chinese ethnological thinking, he proposed the “Ordinary and Extraordinary” cultural structure to engage in dialogue with the Western theory of “Sacred and Secular.” He applied this framework to interpret various cultural phenomena, including temple festivals, production and transformation, death care, exorcism rituals, and narrative character types. In his discussions of Taoist literature, LEE explores the myths of immortals, ranging from “Youxian Shi” (Poems on the Wandering Immortal) and “Xian Ge” (Songs on the Immortal) to novels depicting journeys to the realms of immortals. He also examines biographical novels on the practice of self-cultivation, combining these with demotion myths to interpret the narrative structures of classic works such as Water Margin and Journey to the West, proposing that these narratives follow a structure of returning to the ranks of the immortals. LEE argues that Taoist mythology can continue the legacy of ancient mythology, serving as a "cultural treasure chest" that preserves cultural elements through its dynamic process of absorption and release. His fieldwork emphasizes the study of both public and private rituals, observing socio-cultural dynamics in events such as the Lantern Festival, Ghost Festival, Xia Yuan Festival (Three Yuan Festivals), Qingcheng Jianzhao (Temple Dedication Ceremony), and Wang-Jiao Ceremonies (a ritual of requesting blessings from deities), which are significant public, extraordinary activities within Han Chinese society. He also examines private rituals like funerals and fortune-changing ceremonies, exploring how mythology, rituals, and local society are interconnected. Additionally, LEE’s overseas research includes his publication “Transforming "Sacred Religion" into Daoism : festival, belief, and culture in the Chinese society of Malaysia” (《從聖教到道教:馬華社會的節俗、信仰與文化》), which analyzes how Malaysian Chinese communities adapt to environmental needs, gradually integrating festivals with religious teachings. His recent interdisciplinary research touches on Taoist iconography, collaborating with museums such as the Koxinga Museum in Tainan and the Museum of World Religions to host exhibitions. He also uses Taoist altar paintings to compare with treasured items at the National Palace Museum, such as Pictures of Immortal Mountains (仙山圖) and Pictures of San Guan's Inspection (三官考校圖), aiming to fill the gap of "Taoist Art" in Chinese art history.




2015.10-迄今 中央研究院中國文哲所兼任研究員
1992.8-2015.10 中央研究院中國文哲所研究員
1987.8-1992.7 國立政治大學中國文學系教授
1981.8-1987.7 國立政治大學中國文學系副教授
1978.8-1980.7 私立靜宜大學中國文學系副教授